Stratij Group was founded in 2002 with the name of MAD RAWEJ. It was a company for business and economic consulting in Kurdistan. In 2008, the company founder has changed the name to Stratij Group for business consulting and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services. The company has been preformed many consultancy, training, research and business plans.
The goal of Stratij Group is to offer quality, professional and cutting edge technologies, solutions for economic sectors and business affairs within the communities locally, nationally, and internationally. Stratij Group provides consulting services for business and digital markets. Stratijg Group has prepared more than 180 Business Plans and EIA for different companies and firms. SG has held more than 46 professional training and workshops for small business and for empowering youth.

To transform hopes and dreams into lifelong success through science, technology and smart business.

To be a global leader in personalized, digitally connected, experiential consulting and training.

Customer-Centered, Excellence in research and consulting, Innovation, Respect, Inclusion, and Sustainability.

Customer-Centered; Our customers are our biggest priority. 

Excellence – We are committed to outstanding services, supporting technology, and professional training.
Innovation – We anticipate and respond to emerging trends to meet the evolving needs of our local, national and global communities.
Respect – We uphold the highest ethical standards, and affirm and protect the rights, dignity, and integrity of each member of our diverse community.
Inclusion – We cultivate a working and learning environment where diversity is recognized as essential to our success.
Sustainability – We preserve our collective future by embracing the social, ecological, and economic impact of our decisions.
At SG, you are supported every step of the way. From Idea to selection the proper startup and develoing your business we will be in your journey from the begging to growth. SG is profoundly global, to make a better community through business, ecommerce, education, training, research, and consulting.

WHY Stratij Group?

Stratij Group has high high educated and high qualified professionals and partners. They think analytically and creatively to prepare the best and world class consulting services and solutions. 

  1.Professionalism in Business, eCommerce ,Smart Business,Business plan ,Data Analysis and Spatial Economics.

  2. Connect to real marketplace with Digital Marketing and Social Marketing.

  3.Everything you need for business consultancy in one place.

  4. Quality ,Care,Support with Plan and be inspired.

  3. Social business is the core value of our business model.